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Splitlog Changelog

Release History

Version Date Description
1.7.0 2015-03-11 Message deliveries streamlined.
1.6.0 2014-05-19 Documentation! Also, non-blocking wait, metrics on merges, fixes for app servers.

Release 1.7.0 – 2015-03-11

Type Changes By
Update Greatly reduced the number of INCOMING messages. This potentially affects runtime backwards compatibility. Fixes 55. triceo
Update Fixed several concurrency issues. triceo

Release 1.6.0 – 2014-05-19

Type Changes By
Add Splitlog now boasts shiny new user documentation! Fixes 46. triceo
Add Follower and Metric now support multiple non-blocking waiting... Fixes 50. triceo
Add ... and this non-blocking waiting can now execute an asynchronous action when it's done. Fixes 51. triceo
Add MergingFollower now supports metrics and is back on par with Follower, feature-wise. Fixes 43. triceo
Fix Splitlog logging is now disabled by default. This will prevent endless feedback loops when Splitlog is deployed within a web app. Fixes 42. triceo
Update Tailing will now span the entire lifespan on LogWatch. Fixes 54. triceo
Update MergingFollower.separate() is deprecated in favor of MergingFollower.remove(). Fixes 52. triceo
Update LogWatchBuilder becomes part of the public API. Fixes 49. triceo